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Basic Use
Here you will find basic guides to help you use the computer. Guides about using your email, using your operating system, internet and more.

9/15/2014 7:14:24 AM

This is an easy way to see what your photo looks like with different hair color, hairstyles, makeup and accessories. Have fun!
Fashion and Beauty >> Women's Fashion >> General Guides about Women's Fashion

9/17/2012 3:03:06 AM

If you need to change alot of file extensions for files in windows, you don't have to do them one by one. This guide will show you how to change the same files extensions, located in the same directory, to a different extension, all at one time.
Computers >> Operating Systems >> Windows

6/21/2011 5:28:45 PM

Have you ever seen something cool on the internet that you wanted to look at off line or wanted to send someone a picture of what you see on your screen? It is really easy to do.
Computers >> Basic Use >> Basic Use

2/25/2010 7:28:53 PM

In this tutorial you will learn how to get the IP address of a Web site.
Computers >> Internet >> Internet Guides

6/15/2009 2:37:34 AM

Sometimes it is necessary to have a picture of what is on your computer screen. You may need to send it to someone for technical support or to write a guide for "UCanDoStuff.com" that requires a screenshot.
Computers >> Basic Use >> Basic Use

6/15/2009 2:13:22 AM

Every computer has an IP address. To find out what your computer's IP address is, do the following steps
Computers >> Basic Use >> Basic Use
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